What If You Don't Feel Confident Enough To Book A Boudoir Photoshoot?

This is something I hear quite a bit and if you are feeling this, you are not alone!!

“What If I Don't Feel Confident Enough To Book A Boudoir Photoshoot?”

Here’s the thing… the secret, if you will…

The confidence comes after the boudoir photoshoot, not before.

At least for 99.99% of clients, this is the case. The truth of the matter is, unless you have done a boudoir photoshoot before, or are a professional model, chances are you’re not gonna feel super confident in front of a camera, especially if you’re not wearing a whole lot.

It’s like anything else, if you’ve not done it before, you’re not really all that confident before you start.

That’s what I’m here for! It’s my job to make the whole experience laidback and fun. I guide and direct you through every step of the way so you don’t have to worry about posing or what to do. I’m gonna walk you through everything so there’s no need to know what you’re doing.

This is where the confidence starts.

Once we get going during your photoshoot, you’ll start to relax and have fun once the you realize there’s no pressure to try to be anything in particular.

My goal is to create a space where you can be comfortable to just be you. That, my dear, is what comes across as beautiful in portraits.

Sure the flattering lighting and styling looks great too, but what we’re going for is getting the true you to shine; to bring out that innate beauty and reflect it back to you.

That is confidence. The feeling that you can stand in your own power without feeling like you should do/be/look like/act like anyone else. And that is empowering.

Wanna know the best part?

You take that with you even after your photoshoot. That’s why it’s a transformative experience. Because when experience your own beauty and power, you can enter into any room and recall that feeling. You can call on it in any situation and it changes the way you walk through your life.

It’s the wish I have for everyone - to experience this transformation that comes with doing a boudoir photoshoot.

Don’t let not having confidence keep you from missing out on the experience of a lifetime !

P.S. You can do a beauty photoshoot that doesn’t involve lingerie or intimate looks and have the very same experience.


Women's Portraits | New Braunfels Photographer


Why Every Woman Should Do a Photoshoot