Redefining Beautiful - The 40 Over 40 Series | Featuring Erica

portrait of woman in tulle skirt band tshirt combat boots in studio new braunfels photographer

A look into Erica’s photoshoot for the 40 over 40 series, Redefining Beautiful!

This week’s feature stars the beautiful and fabulously 40 Erica who is an absolute delight!

She is a teacher and one of the most caring and thoughtful people you’ll meet and a total blast to hang out with! Her love of music and travel make for some great stories and I cannot wait to share with you her story.

So here are her words…

What was your motivation for doing this photoshoot? / Why did you choose to take part in this project?: Erin is a very talented photographer, and I've been wanting to have a photoshoot with her for a while. I also have not had my photos done professionally in a long time. I kept telling myself "when I lose weight," but the reality is, I need to embrace who I am right now.

How old are you now? : I turned 40 in May of 2022

How do you feel about being __ (years old). : I feel great! Every year has gotten better and better, so I'm excited to start this new decade.

studio portrait of woman black dress backdrop new braunfels photographer

What is your most powerful trait? : I am very outgoing! I have always thought of myself as a "natural communicator." This has also been detrimental to some of my relationships however, so learning to harness that ability is a constantly evolving task.

When do you feel most confident? : I feel most confident when I feel like I've had a successful day at work. I've done so many different things over the years, and I feel like my current occupation (teaching), forces me to learn something new about myself and my surroundings/environment everyday. It's a real adjustment understanding new content or implementing new district initiatives, not to mention how challenging virtual learning was. So many people left education, and there were some days I really thought I was going to be one of them, but this year is my eighth year, and I finally feel like I am doing a pretty good job.

When do you feel the most beautiful? : I feel most beautiful when I am comfortable!! I love a good pair of jeans or a great pair of black leather boots. That will also kick up my confidence as well! It's fun to dress up for special occasions, but I often feel like I don't look like myself, which causes me to fidget or be super self-conscious.

How has your relationship with time changed as you've gotten older? : It just goes by faster and faster, but I am trying so hard to make the conscious effort to appreciate the present and be excited for the future. I think I used to really dwell in the past a lot, and didn't really see myself having much of a future. It's kind of sad to think that, but I really didn't until recently. Especially when I actually turned 40. I was super afraid I was going to have a reaction to it (I did not handle 29 well), but I didn't, and I think that speaks to how much my views have changed.

studio portrait of woman black dress and toadies tshirt backdrop new braunfels photographer

How has your relationship with yourself changed? : I try really hard to appreciate how far I've come. Everything I have is a product of hard work. I have put on some weight these last five years, but I've also acquired way more responsibility than I've ever had. I can be hard on myself about my appearance, but I have to remind myself how different my life is now. I am often my worst critic, and my best friend frequently tells me to be kinder to myself, so I am also working on that.

studio portrait of woman black dress and backdrop new braunfels photographer

What would you tell your 20 year old self? : To focus more on what you want, and to stop giving so much attention to people who do not deserve it. I wasted so many years crying about boys, when I should have just focused on what I wanted. Focused on my writing, my photography, my art, or anything else that used to be important to me. My girlfriends and I have recently started skating again, and I forgot how much fun it was! I am trying harder to nurture the things that make me feel happy and creative.

What advice would you give to a 10 year old girl?: Nurture all of the things that make you feel happy. Create something. Anything.

What do you value most now? : My relationships, which I think I've always valued a lot, but I've recently made it a goal to really nurture (there's that word again) those relationships. Especially with my girlfriends. It was my resolution this year, and I really feel I've accomplished that. I try very hard not to waste time on people who do not want my time. This is a lesson it took me years to learn, but I finally feel like I only have very good friends in my life now.

What are your ambitions? / What are you looking forward to?: I am looking forward to whatever is next. I know this will not always be my life. I am not always going to be a teacher. I told myself I would do it for 10 years (which is longer than I've ever done any one thing), and then I want to move on and do something else. Hopefully something more creative. I've been dabbling in a bunch of new hobbies lately, and I'm just trying to do something other than watch TV in my spare time. Thought I really do love TV :)

What beliefs about women growing older would you like to change? : I think women should be able to wear and do whatever makes them feel happy and confident. I will probably always love my jeans, boots, and (faux) fur coats. I love going to metal concerts and getting tattoos, and I will probably always love those things no matter my age. Though I am pretty sure the tattoos hurt more and more with each passing year!

How has participating in this project been for you? : I am so very happy with the way the photos turned out! I am not usually very happy with photos of myself, so I was skeptical, and honestly worried I would be super critical, not of Erin's skills, but of myself. I think seeing these photos made me feel good about who I've grown into. They had a very positive impact on my personal view.

What would you tell someone thinking of participating in this project? : I'd say do it! Don't wait until "whatever criteria you are setting for yourself." Photos are great markers of time and growth. I look at old photos and think of how far I've come. Maybe one day, I will look at these and hopefully think the same. I hope to never feel like I am done growing, but I really need to appreciate the person I am at this moment. I think these photos do that for me.

Want to take part in this series? I’d love to talk with you!


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