Don’t Wait to Lose Weight

One of the phrases I hear most often from women explaining why they are waiting to do a boudoir photoshoot is that they want to lose some weight first.

While I certainly understand the feeling, I also know that it’s too easy to let months, and even years go by when putting off doing something for yourself.

And I’m here to tell you, it’s not worth it.

Don’t wait to lose weight.

Do the photoshoot now. It’s not worth putting off. You’ll wish you’d done it sooner.

A boudoir session is transformation.

It’s seeing yourself in a new light.

The posing, the lighting, the set and the wardrobe are all designed to be flattering to you and to show you your beauty now, just as you are.

There’s no need to put off feeling beautiful.


I’m here to talk with you about any and all hesitations you may have. There are no dumb or silly questions or concerns. Send them my way! I’m here for you.


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