Boudoir Photographer for the Woman Who Doesn't Feel Confident

black and white boudoir portrait of woman with white sheet in front of window

My name is Erin, and I’m a Boudoir photographer for the woman who doesn’t feel confident.

Let me tell you a little secret…

99% of women who walk through the studio door for a boudoir session DO NOT FEEL CONFIDENT… yet.

Generally, it’s not until the photoshoot has started and you’re into it already that the confidence comes into play. Once you’re past the initial jitters or feelings of uncertainty, you begin to relax into yourself and realize that a boudoir photoshoot is not this scary intimidating thing you imagined it to be, but rather it’s really laid back and a lot of fun.

You can relax because you realize you don’t have to “be” any certain way. You just get to be. Without expectation or feeling like you need to emulate anyone or anything.

That is what makes a beautiful portrait!

Let go of any thinking that you have to “be” a certain type/look/personality/etc.

You are beautiful. Just as you are. And your boudoir photoshoot will highlight this.

And as an added bonus, you’ll have these beautiful gorgeous photos to look back on 40 years from now and remember this time in your life, not to mention the confidence that connecting with yourself and your beauty brings you.

That’s right. The confidence comes after your boudoir session!

And you get to take that confidence with you into every room you enter. You can call on that feeling you experienced during your boudoir session and when you look at your portraits, whenever and wherever you need.


Don't Know What to Wear for Your Photoshoot?


New Braunfels Headshot Photographer