Le Petit Prince Photoshoot | New Braunfels Photographer

le petit prince photoshoot erin valkner photography new braunfels photographer

One of my absolute favorite books is Le Petit Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. I've read it countless times, have owned many copies of it in multiple languages, memorized pages of it once upon a time for a french class, and continue to adore the story to this day.

In part, Le Petit Prince is a story of childhood curiosity and the ability to see the world through a child's eyes. A reminder to us that being vulnerable, curious, and loving is what make us human and what give us a fully lived life.

My little one is six years old, blond haired, headstrong and curious child who happens to be quite headstrong and tenacious until his questions are adequately satisfied with knowledge. questions are adequately until his questions are satisfied with answers. Much like our friend, le Petit Prince.

I've had this idea for some time now to do a Le Petit Prince photoshoot, and I realized that if my own kiddo were to be the subject it was now or never because he's the perfect age.

Oh, but did I mention he's headstrong? Do you think he was jumping up and down to become le Petit Prince to make my dream photoshoot come true? Well, no. No he wasn't. He's had a camera on him since birth and eiher makes silly faces or runs when I try to get a portrait these days.

Did I mention I am also headstrong and tenacious? I made the costume, planned the shoot, and then offered my dear prince-like son a modeling job.


That's right folks, I paid him to be my model, just as a model would be paid for a commercial shoot with me. And he accepted the terms and the gig!

Win-win, folks! He got the money for a toy he was after, and I got to shoot my dream and have portraits of my little one that I'll cherish forever! Oh, and side note, he’s technically speaking, a professionally paid model now.

It may be that I'm the only one on the planet that appreciates these images and that is absolutely fine by me. But they mean the world to me so I am sharing. Oh and if you've never read the book, I sincerely suggest you do.

le petit prince photoshoot erin valkner photography
le petit prince photoshoot erin valkner photography
le petit prince photoshoot erin valkner photography
behind the scenes erin valkner photography

And a happy thanks to Nana who helped out behind the scenes on this shoot!


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