Glorie and Lakota | Sisters Photo Shoot in New Braunfels

portrait of sisters new braunfels photographer

The relationship you have with your sister can change so much over time.  Your sister is someone you know better than anyone else in the world.  And who knows just about everything about you.  Who shares your childhood memories…  Someone who can push your buttons like no other, but who you’d defend to your last breath.  Like most siblings, there may be times where you fight like cats and dogs, but if you’re lucky, your sister will prove to be your oldest, truest friend. 

I encourage you to be photographed with your loved ones.  Portraits are such a beautiful gift to your future self and future generations.  Celebrate your children’s relationships through portraits that will one day be priceless to them. 

Glorie and Lokota were in my New Braunfels portrait studio a while ago for a Couture Kids photos session and we made sure to take a couple of photos of the girls together. 

I’d love to talk with you about planning a photoshoot for your children or family. 


Quality Over Quantity | New Braunfels Photographer


Portraits are Powerful | New Braunfels Photographer